Qualitative Research 2025-02-27T11:11:58+07:00Dr. Sharifah Nurafizah Syed Annuaraqr@researchsynergypress.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Name: </strong>Advanced Qualitative Research (AQR)<strong><br />E-ISSN: </strong>2986-3090 | <strong>P-ISSN: </strong>2986-7525<strong><br />DOI: </strong>10.31098/aqr<strong><br />Period: </strong>February and September <strong><br />Indexing and Abstracting: </strong><a href="">ASCI</a>, <a href="">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">EBSCO</a>, Crossref<strong><br />Partnered with: </strong>Reviewer Credits and Publons<strong><br />Publication</strong> <strong>Guidelines:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">COPE Guidelines</a><strong><br />Publisher: </strong>Research Synergy Foundation<br /><strong>Founded: </strong>2022</p> <p> </p> Acquired Trauma through Media Platforms 2024-11-21T09:44:46+07:00Andrie Jann V Akilithandriejann0721@gmail.comKathleen P Cristobal cristobalkath88@gmail.comMiguel G Madamba<p>Using Foa and Kozak’s fear network model, this study explored the lived experiences of individuals exposed to disturbing content across various media platforms. Through an Interpretative Phenomenological Approach (IPA), the study identified three key themes: Personal Distress, reflecting emotional struggles and intrusive thoughts akin to traditional PTSD symptoms; Digital Hypervigilance, mirroring heightened vigilance and avoidance behaviors; and Adaptive Mechanisms, highlighting coping strategies developed to manage distress. This study raises public awareness about the psychological impact of engaging with disturbing media content and deepens understanding of how media-acquired trauma parallels traditional traumatic stress. Recommendations include psychotherapy tailored for e-traumatization, stricter content moderation on media platforms, accessible helplines on social media, and public awareness campaigns to mitigate the effects of disturbing media content.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Andrie Jann V Akilith, Kathleen Cristobal , Miguel, Jr. Madamba Indigenous Heritage: A Strategic Roadmap for Community Based Cultural Development 2024-11-01T16:18:39+07:00Zussette<p>The Philippines is home to a diverse array of indigenous people, with unique languages, cultures, and traditions. Despite their significant contribution to the country’s heritage and ecological balance, these communities often face marginalization and discrimination. They are among the poorest sectors of the population, illiterate, most vulnerable to extreme weather, and have limited access to basic services. To help build a sustainable community for the Indigenous people and contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 11, this study was undertaken to gather essential information that can inform policy decisions and strategic planning for the advancement of Indigenous communities. This study aims to determine the areas that could be developed in the indigenous community in southern Luzon Philippines using the Threats, Opportunities, Weaknesses, and Strengths (TOWS) matrix. Using a qualitative ethnographic method, data were collected through community immersion, participatory observation, interviews, and focus group discussions. Eighteen indigenous people belonging to the <em>Hanunuo</em> indigenous cultural community were selected as participants. The results show that pre-colonial script (<em>Surat Mangyan</em>), chanted poetry (<em>Ambahan</em>), and indigenous textile weaving (<em>Ramit</em>) are still being practiced by the elders. However, the younger generation prioritizes livelihood over cultural preservation, which would lead to the extinction of this intangible cultural heritage. Livelihood and cultural identity are essential for community development; thus, devising programs that address both are necessary. The findings served as a basis for the formulation of a strategic community development plan serving benchmarks for government agencies, higher education institutions, and non-government organizations.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Zussette Candelario-Aplaon Phenomenological Study on Nurse Productivity Challenges in a Resource-Limited Primary Hospital in the Philippines2025-01-15T15:03:45+07:00Jose Antonio N Estrellerjaeestreller1990@gmail.comJonathan Mark N Fontanillajonathanmark26@gmail.comMohammad Sajjad Fakhrimohamadsajad17@yahoo.comJesus P Brionesjpbriones1961@gmail.comMarmelo V<p>Nurse productivity is critical to health care efficiency, particularly in resource-limited primary hospitals where operational challenges significantly hinder nurses’ ability to deliver optimal care. This research examined the various productivity challenges faced by nurses in a resource-limited primary hospital in the Philippines and identified potential solutions to improve their current working conditions. A phenomenological approach was used to collect data through in-depth interviews of seven registered nurses at a resource-limited primary hospital. Four themes emerged from the thematic analysis, addressing both the challenges and potential solutions to the issues faced by the nurses. The challenges included high workloads and limited staffing, resource scarcity, emotional and mental strain, and training and knowledge gaps. The themes for the proposed solutions include adequate staffing and support resources, consistent access to essential supplies and equipment, skill development and continuous training, and holistic support for nurse well-being and productivity. Based on these findings, it is imperative to offer systemic changes, such as enhanced staffing models, better resource allocation, and strengthened support systems, for nurses to lessen nurse productivity challenges in resource-limited settings. This study provides valuable insights into the complexities of nursing practice in a primary healthcare setting and serves as a foundation for developing targeted strategies to enhance nurse productivity and improve patient care quality within the Philippine healthcare system. Further, this study can serve as a reference for a more focused evaluation of nurse productivity in a resource-limited hospital setting, offering localized insights and context-specific recommendations.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jose Antonio N. Estreller, Jonathan Mark N. Fontanilla, Mohammad Sajjad Fakhri, Jesus P. Briones, Marmelo V. Abante Design of Pencak Silat Figures Based on Martial Arts Culture and Values in Fighting Games2025-01-30T23:33:56+07:00Adita Catur<p>Indonesia has the martial art of <em>Pencak Silat</em>, where Silat Warriors have a distinctive character. This study was motivated by the lack of <em>Pencak Silat</em> values that are implemented and visualized in the character design of fighting games. It is feared that this will make <em>Pencak Silat</em> as an Indonesian martial art even more extinct because it has to compete with other foreign martial arts. The purpose of this research is to contribute, reference, and direct the development of digital products with the theme of <em>Pencak Silat</em> to prioritize original cultural values in fighting games. This research uses a qualitative methodology. Data collection through interviews, field observation, and literature review from relevant sources. The data obtained was analyzed using theories about <em>Pencak Silat</em> and the basic movements of <em>Pencak Silat</em> and Edugame. Until now, no research has been conducted on the inclusion of <em>Pencak Silat</em> values in fighting-themed games. Therefore, the results of the research that focuses on PERSINAS ASAD and <em>PERISAI DIRI</em> as a <em>Pencak Silat</em> group have an impact on determining future fighting game flow and as an educational realm that is typical of Indonesian <em>Pencak Silat</em> culture. <em>Pencak Silat</em> is rarely found in digital entertainment, especially in video games. Thus, the group’s goal is to improve human quality so that it can preserve the culture of Indonesia</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Adita Octaviani, Sintia Catur Sutantri Campus to Career: A Qualitative Exploration of Graduate Employability and Workforce Readiness in Ilocos Norte 2024-11-29T14:35:18+07:00Eric S<p>Fresh graduates in Ilocos Norte face substantial impediments while moving from school into the profession, a struggle often rooted in what may be called the epistemological drift of education and industry. An agricultural manager said that a lack of soft-skills training among graduates, especially concerning communication, adaptability, and professionalism, constitutes a major issue in any general setting. Some graduates also have issues with traits or practical experiences peculiar to the industry, as most internship programs are unproductive in developing more contact time and experience in actual working conditions. The gap between the curriculum and industry demands is widening by preparing students inadequately for employment in high-demand sectors such as renewable energy, digital literacy, and environmental planning. Attrition at the graduate level remains a problem in this area because qualified individuals are embarking on outsourcing or mobility toward urban workplaces for higher salaries and more job prospects, thus making the local workforce even more scarce. Addressing such challenges would require better cooperation among educational institutions, industry, and local governments to ensure that programs meet employers' needs. Employers emphasized that micro-credentialing, competency-based training, and structured internships are apparitions to teach students how to teach themselves technical and workplace readiness skills. Career centers should serve as channels for accumulating and providing career advice and relevant professional development workshops to enhance employability. The community would have to revisit compensation schemes and progress in career development to reduce worker flight. The industry-implemented education reforms continued soft-skills training, and the strengthening of academia-industry partnerships will highly impact the likelihood of employability possibilities and the readiness of graduates for the workforce. This summation of strategies can thereafter put Ilocos Norte in a position to develop itself into a locality that hosts the formation of a highly skilled workforce that remains within the local region while supporting sustainable economic growth. Ultimately, the bridging of skill gaps to ensure that fresh graduates transition meaningfully from education to employment remain competitive in the job market, grow their skills in line with industrial demands, and address the ever-evolving requirements of industries.</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Eric S Parilla, Jocelyn Makes Teachers Stay in an Organization? The Case of a Private University in Northern Philippines2025-02-05T09:31:08+07:00Ivan Clark R Lorraine A A Jose C Jhoy Nica G Mosel Joy<p>Teachers are fundamental to a university’s success, and their satisfaction and motivation are essential for institutional growth. This study explores the factors influencing teachers’ retention at the University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao, aiming to uncover and analyze key elements behind their long-term commitment. Using a qualitative method and descriptive research design, structured interviews with university teachers provided insights into their reasons for staying. The study identified one central theme: Various Factors Affecting Teachers’ Decision to Stay, which includes two subthemes: Extrinsic Factors (e.g., salary, benefits, work environment, and organizational policies) and Intrinsic Factors (e.g., job satisfaction, sense of purpose, and opportunities for professional growth). These findings highlight areas for the university to strengthen its strategies for managing employees and fostering a supportive environment. By addressing both tangible and personal motivators, the organization can ensure its educators feel valued and inspired to contribute to its long-term success</p>2025-02-27T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2025 Karen Joy Catacutan, Ivan Clark Cabasal, Paula Lorraine Pua, Constantino Soriano, Maria Jose Talosig, Marie Jhoy Nica Yadan, John Mosel Bitonio