International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Studies 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Dr. Nunung Nurhayati, S.E., Ak.,, CA. Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Name: </strong>International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Studies (IJEASS)<strong><br />E-ISSN: </strong>2807-1778<strong><br />P-ISSN: </strong>2807-1921<strong><br />DOI: </strong>10.31098/ijeass.v1i1<strong><br />Period: </strong>July and December<strong><br />Indexing and Abstracting: </strong><a href=";search_text=%22International%20Journal%20of%20Entrepreneurship%20and%20Sustainability%20Studies%22&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search">Dimensions</a>, SINTA, Google Scholar, Crossref and others in progress<strong><br />Partnered with: </strong>Reviewer Credits and Publons<strong><br />Publication </strong>Guidelines: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">COPE Guidelines</a><strong><br />Publisher: </strong>Research Synergy Foundation<br /><strong>Society/Institution:</strong> Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Bandung (UNISBA)<br /><strong>Founded:</strong> 2021</p> The Effect of Implementing Work Ethics and Islamic Leadership on Employee Performance 2023-07-12T12:45:47+07:00 Rini Lestari Dimas Nurjaya Innez Assyffa Andien Wahyuningtyas <p>The performance of employees in a company is a parameter of success in realizing the vision and mission to achieve the goals of a company. Poor employee performance stems from a lack of implementation of work ethics and leadership. For a Muslim, work ethics and Islamic leadership are matters relating to the actions, attitudes, and attributes that a person performs and considers work as worship for Allah SWT and it is based on the Al-Quran and Hadith to get grace and a better quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of the application of Islamic work ethics and Islamic leadership on the performance of employees at the Bandung Islamic University Foundation. The research method used in this study is a survey method with a quantitative approach. The data source used in this study is primary data. The sampling technique in this study is non-probability sampling with a convenience sampling technique. The results of this study state that the Application of Islamic Work Ethics and Islamic Leadership influences Employee Performance.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Rini Lestari, Dimas Nurjaya, Innez Assyffa Andien Wahyuningtyas Saving, Buying and Spending Patterns of Overseas Filipino Workers in the Ilocos Region 2023-09-06T19:08:10+07:00 Eric S Parilla Marc Edward Abadilla <p>This research study discusses the saving, buying and spending patterns of Overseas Filipino Workers. It used quantitative research design and has 772 OFW-respondents coming from all parts of the country. The sampling design was convenience-snowball non-probability sampling design. Findings suggest that most of the respondents were female, college graduate, have 1-2 dependents and are currently working in Hong Kong. As to buying and spending preferences of OFWs, they intend to plan ahead of time what they are buying. They are responsible spenders since they know how hard it is to earn money abroad. Food, remittance and health and wellness are the major expenses of OFWS. Many OFWs also allot portion of their income to savings. One of the limitations of this study is that this research paper only considered one point in time.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eric S Parilla, Marc Edward Abadilla Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Performance Evaluation to Reduce Potential Greenwashing Based on Sustainable Fitch Index 2023-09-08T19:26:59+07:00 Juniati Gunawan Irene Gunawan Ying Chieh Liu <p>Increasing company awareness of environment, social, and governance (ESG) issues is getting more important in relation to financial performances. Investors and other stakeholders require ESG-related information to help them making decisions, in particular investment decisions. This study employed the Sustainable Fitch index to assess the ESG performance, by examining Company G as a case study as this company is considered the first company in Indonesia which went through Sustainable Fitch index evaluation. Sustainable Fitch index was chosen as this index is considered the most related ESG index for companies who would like to publish sustainability bonds and it has a unique methodology. &nbsp;The findings suggest that any companies conducting a Sustainable Fitch ESG assessment should calculate scope 3 emissions and clarify the emission reduction target timeline, including target verification with respect to the United Nations' Science-Based Target (SBT) or net zero targets. These measurements are considered as part of environmental accounting, an emerging accounting issues, related to sustainability. Besides, social performances are also crucial, and one of them is improving the number of women in management positions at all levels.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Juniati Gunawan, Irene Gunawan, Ying Chieh Liu Value Co-creation of Food Bank and Stakeholder to Achieve Sustainable NGOs 2023-08-29T06:13:35+07:00 Yasmin Shofiyyah Santi Novani <p>Food banks appear to be a socially desirable solution to better utilizing food waste from the standpoint of waste reduction since it provides a “win-win” solution. Despite having a valuable mission, sadly, food bank faces several barriers due to their reliance on donations. As a result, collaboration is becoming a desirable step for food banks to increase resources which lead to corporate sustainability. This paper employs a systematic literature review approach to analyze 26 “Food Bank and Stakeholder Partnerships” papers published in the Scopus database over the past five years. The findings indicate that most of research comes from US which have a sustain system of food bank. Numerous studies have examined the collaboration between food banks and different institutions, including healthcare, community, retail, academic, self-organizing, and multi-stakeholder entities which each collaboration gain a uniqueness objective of partnership. This paper discussed the existing of stakeholders and food bank partnership with Four-Co-phase Models of Value Co-creation Process to better understand the phases and traits of partnerships. Communication become an important point on build a sustain partnership. Based on the findings, the topic of communication is widely addressed in articles on collaborative efforts, necessitating further research on trust within collaboration. Further research is needed to explore the sustainability of food banks in developing countries due to limited existing studies. In addition to external collaboration, internal collaboration within the food bank is also important for ensuring organizational harmony in the future.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yasmin Shofiyyah, Santi Novani The Effect of Eco-Friendly Packaging on Purchase Intention with Consumer Perception as an Intervening Variable 2023-08-30T20:04:47+07:00 Megia Esvandiari Marcellia Susan Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih Muhardi Dede R Oktini Nunung Nurhayati <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The increasing use of plastic water bottles has exacerbated the global plastic waste crisis. Eco-friendly packaging is the concept of reducing and recycling plastic packaging waste. AQUA carried out this concept with Danone, who launched the AQUA Life product. This study aimed to determine the direct and indirect effects of eco-friendly packaging on the purchase intention of AQUA Life products through consumer perception and to analyze descriptively how eco-friendly packaging, consumer perception, and purchase intention of AQUA Life products. The analysis technique in this study uses Path Analysis to determine the role of consumer perception in mediating eco-friendly packaging on the purchase intention of AQUA Life products. The results showed that descriptive analysis for eco-friendly packaging, consumer perception, and purchase intention for AQUA Life products received good responses. \]And it was found that the magnitude of the indirect effect of eco-friendly packaging on purchase intention was more significant than the direct effect. This means that consumer perception as an intervening variable significantly influences eco-friendly packaging on purchase intention. The research results are expected to help the company add other features, such as the reuse idea for consumers, and reconsider product selling prices. To directly increase purchase intention, the company should pay attention to factors that influence consumer purchasing intentions, such as increasing the popularity of products.</span></p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Megia Esvandiari Developing New Marketing Strategy to Enhance Customer Loyalty at the Boarding House in Palembang City, South Sumatra 2023-10-12T14:04:03+07:00 Muhammad Rifky Alfandi Manahan Parlindungan Saragih Siallagan Wulan Asti Rahayu <p style="font-weight: 400;">The hospitality business is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries, with many sub-sectors, such <br />as hotels, restaurants, and resorts. However, some boarding houses in Palembang City, South Sumatra, are <br />experiencing a shortage of monthly room occupants, particularly between August and December 2022. The <br />objective of this study is to investigate whether it is brand image, customer satisfaction, or customer relationship <br />management (CRM) that influences customer satisfaction and customer loyalty towards boarding house <br />residents in Palembang City, South Sumatra, to control and increase the monthly room occupants, especially from <br />August until December 2022. Hopefully, this issue will never happen again. The study uses quantitative <br />methodology research to utilize a structural equation modeling approach using Partial Least Square. The study <br />included 128 respondents undertaking activities in Palembang, South Sumatra, and staying in a boarding house. <br />According to the findings of this study, brand image has a negative association with customer satisfaction, but <br />service quality and customer relationship management (CRM) have a positive association with customer <br />satisfaction. Furthermore, it was shown that customer satisfaction has a favorable association with customer <br />loyalty. Consequently, if they wish to encourage customer satisfaction and customer loyalty to the boarding <br />house, they must improve service quality and customer relationship management (CRM).</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Rifky Alfandi, Manahan Parlindungan Saragih Siallagan, Wulan Asti Rahayu Sustainable Performance Model and Strategy: A Conceptual Framework 2023-10-12T14:32:54+07:00 Firmansyah Arifin Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono Sylviana Maya Damayanti Gatot Yudoko <p>This study is driven by the conditions of the energy sector, particularly the "oil field service industry" which serves as the main pillar of this sector. The significant oil price drop and the need for cost-cutting among oil and gas producers shows the vulnerabilities in this sector, necessitating improvement. Generally, industries that support key commodities must exhibit strong operational performance that intricately intertwines with the corporate strategy, mitigating potential obstacles, challenges, and business risks in order to achieve sustainable performance. Thus, this research aims to investigate how to develop a sustainable performance model for the industry in helping the industries the current and future business challenges. A systematic literature review was undertaken, encompassing prior studies on sustainable business, performance, and risk management strategies. This study investigates the dynamic interaction between three primary constructs: (1) context-business sustainability, (2) content-performance management, and (3) process-strategy formulation. Finally, gaps in the existing literature were identified and several future research directions were proposed.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Firmansyah Arifin Potential Benefits of Crowd-Collaborative Farming in Sustaining Small Scale Dairy Farming Business Performance 2023-12-04T18:35:39+07:00 Mokoena Oratilwe Penwell Ntuli Thembelihle Sam Ramarumo Tshepo Seeletse Solly Matshonisa <p>The importance of small scale agricultural sustainability is gradually declining in low and middle income economies due to the assortment of changes in agriculture and the environment. Moreover, the high withdrawal of small scale farmers from the market disrupts the direct relationships between producers and consumers, and also puts at risk food security, primarily on the local and regional scale.&nbsp;This paper focuses on optimizing farming activities of the small scale dairy farmers (SSDFs) through crowdsourcing and synergy (CSS) platforms. The methodology for this paper is anchored on the construction of resolve using logic and rationality. This paper points that agricultural outputs are more valuable when delivered by teams because of positive synergies. Moreover, agricultural activities could be optimized through collaborative farming and community supported agriculture as CSS platforms known as crowd-collaborative farming (CCF). CCF could effect increased benefits due to suitability of the crafted member composition, yielding improved local market performance in many settings. Moreover, research on CCF as a tool to develop efficient mechanisms for revenue distribution among the collaborators is necessary. The study further recommends that SSDFs should be trained towards CCF to enhance their production output, especially those experiencing high failures and less returns due to debt erosion. SSDFs they should keep in sync with the consumers.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Oratilwe, Sam, Tshepo, Solly Quality Control Management Practices in a Semiconductor Company in Laguna, Philippines and its Impact on Customer Satisfaction 2023-12-04T19:13:04+07:00 Racquel G Rivera Jesus Briones Flormando P Baldovino <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Quality control management practices (QCMP) are a driving force in augmenting organizational quality performance. This study determined the QCMP of a semiconductor company in Laguna, Philippines and assessed its perceived impact on customer satisfaction. A researcher-made survey instrument was validated and pilot-tested, establishing a Cronbach Alpha of 0.892. The surveyed respondents are 150 employees of the subject-semiconductor company who consented to participate in the study. The collected data were analyzed utilizing frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and ANOVA. The study found that employees were aware of the implementation of company-wide QCMP, and they likewise perceived that the quality system was appropriately set in place. The study proved that the company's dedication to continuous improvement and employee engagement leading to customer satisfaction is evident. Moreover, the study also proved that profile indicators employed in the study are not varying factors for the company's QCMP implementation. To continue reaping the highest implementation, it is recommended that the company sustain the commitment to maintain its QCMP through continuous training, employee feedback, exploring opportunities, better customer relations, and enhancing cross-functional processes. </span></p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Jesus Briones, Racquel G Rivera, Flormando P Baldovino, Amrie Firmansyah Strategic Implementation of OneStream Systems: Identifying and Prioritizing User-Centric Criteria 2023-12-07T09:27:20+07:00 Ery Restu Prabowo Utomo Sarjono Putro <p>This research explores the implementation of OneStream, a sophisticated software platform used in financial planning and reporting, within an organization. It emphasizes a thorough internal and external analysis to evaluate the organization's resources and capabilities, and to understand the external factors influencing the adoption of OneStream. The internal analysis identifies strengths such as technical expertise and a skilled workforce, and weaknesses including insufficient training and limitations in OneStream's utilization. The external analysis uncovers opportunities like market growth and strategic partnerships, alongside threats from competition and global economic uncertainties. Data collection involved in-depth interviews with six OneStream experts, followed by a detailed Analytic Hierarchies Process (AHP) for quantitative analysis. The findings reveal key factors influencing OneStream implementation, categorized under Security and Reliability, Accuracy and Data Integration, Efficiency and Performance, and Ease of Use. AHP results indicate a lower consensus in Security and Reliability than expected, with System Reliability and Availability emerging as critical. Accuracy and Data Integration show a moderate consensus, emphasizing the importance of Data Accuracy. &nbsp;Based on these analyses, three strategic pathways for advancing OneStream usage are proposed: preserving the status quo, refining and enhancing OneStream, and integrating OneStream with other systems. The research concludes that integration is the most preferred solution, receiving the highest preference in the AHP analysis. This strategy involves not only technical adjustments but also organizational developments, particularly within the Capital Accounting Administration, to ensure effective integration and collaboration. This study provides valuable insights for organizations considering similar technology adoption, balancing the preservation of foundational principles with embracing technological innovations for sustainable growth and efficiency.</p> 2023-12-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ery Restu Prabowo, Utomo Sarjono Putro