Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies <p><strong>Name</strong>: Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies (ISSUES)<br /><strong>P-ISSN: </strong>2807-9671<strong><br />E-ISSN: </strong>2807-9663<strong><br />DOI: </strong>10.31098/issues.vxix.<strong><br />Period: </strong>August and December<strong><br />Indexing and Abstracting: </strong>Dimensions. Google Scholar, SINTA, Garuda, Crossref, and others in progress<strong><br />Publisher: </strong>Research Synergy<strong><br />Founded: </strong>2021</p> Research Synergy Foundation en-US Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies 2807-9671 <p><strong>Content Licensing, Copyright, and Permissions</strong></p> <ol> <li><strong> License</strong><br />Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies (ISSUES) has CC-BY NC as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly work for non-commercial purpose. 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To such extent as legally permissible, the author waives his or her right to collect royalties relative to the article in respect of any use of the article by This agreement can be terminated by the author or Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies (ISSUES) upon two months’ notice where the other party has materially breached this agreement and failed to remedy such breach within a month of being given the terminating party’s notice requesting such breach to be remedied. No breach or violation of this agreement will cause this agreement or any license granted in it to terminate automatically or affect the definition of Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies (ISSUES) or its sublicensee.<br /><br /><strong>8. 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Amidst Nigeria's persistent struggles with food security aggravated by a swiftly growing population, this study undertook an examination of the efficacy of family planning interventions in ensuring sustainable food provision. A cohort of 120 participants from diverse Nigerian states participated in the study, responding to structured questionnaires. The collected data underwent SPSS software analysis, leading to tabulated data and percentages reflecting respondents' viewpoints. Through regression analysis, the study found a statistically significant relationship between the implementation of family planning programs and food security. Findings revealed that for every unit increase in the effectiveness of family planning initiatives, there was a consequential increase of 0.315 units in food security, showcasing a notably positive impact. This association, reflected by a Beta coefficient of 0.531, underscores the substantial influence of these programs on improving food security. These results highlight the potential efficacy of strategic implementation of family planning interventions as a crucial mechanism in alleviating Nigeria's food security concerns amidst rapid population growth. In response to these identified challenges, the research articulated recommendations aimed at addressing these issues. They encompassed measures like improved educational initiatives, enhanced accessibility to services, heightened public awareness campaigns, bolstered support for women, and the reinforcement of healthcare infrastructure.</p> Andeskebtso Yohanna Adaki Copyright (c) 2023 Andeskebtso Yohanna Adaki 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 2 29 48 10.31098/issues.v3i2.1794 Rank-and-File Employees’ Awareness on the Programs and Services of a Social Health Insurance Corporation in the Philippines <p>The rank-and-file employees of the subject social health insurance corporation (SHIC) should comprehensively understand its program and services as they are expected to provide timely, accurate, and relevant information to the members. This study was conducted to determine the awareness of employees on the programs and services of a SHIC in the Philippines. It focused on three aspects: membership, contribution, and benefits availment. This study also looked into the top queries received by employees and the channel or medium of communication where they primarily received the information. This descriptive-quantitative research used a structured questionnaire distributed to the 186 SHIC employees (Job Grades 5-10) in the different sectors of the corporation. Findings revealed that SHIC employees are generally somewhat aware of the three aspects of SHIC's programs and services. It was also found that the level of awareness of employees does not vary across job grade classifications. The most frequent inquiries received by SHIC employees revolved around membership processes such as ID/MDR issuance, membership registration, updating of dependents, and understanding benefits and deductions. Lastly, official social media platforms, meetings, interaction with colleagues, and direct communication from SHIC representatives were the organization's primary sources of information. The recommendations forwarded in this study can enhance SHIC's services aligned with its mission of providing accessible and affordable healthcare in the country.</p> Maricris R. Roldan Myra Lee C. Dela Cruz Erliza M. Oreta Ian Chester G. Guino Jesus Briones James Soren Copyright (c) 2023 Maricris R. Roldan, Myra Lee C. Dela Cruz, Erliza M. Oreta, Ian Chester G. Guino, Jesus Briones, James Soren 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 2 1 16 10.31098/issues.v3i2.1986 Strengthening The Existing Indonesian Government Policies Related to MSMEs to be Sustainable <p>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) was considered the savior in the Indonesian economic crisis 1997 because of their agility to be owned by anyone who intends to do business. On the other hand, MSME faces the threats of limited capital and low-quality human resources. Initially, the effect of the threats was that MSMe caused environmental issues in the surroundings because of the law control management; thus, related research needs to be conducted. This study aims to evaluate the adequacy of the regulatory ecosystem related to MSMEs in Indonesia related to sustainability issues. With this aim, the qualitative descriptive method is very relevant to the needs of this research. The results of this study show that Indonesia's MSME regulatory ecosystem is still weak in raising sustainable issues. Practices to improve sustainability performance were identified, and suggestions to related institutions were also presented at the end of the writing. Research about the adequacy of government policies related to the sustainability of MSMe in Indonesia is infrequently conducted; thus, this research will contribute both academically and practically.</p> Lutfi Abdul Khakim Amrie Firmansyah Copyright (c) 2023 Lutfi Abdul Khakim , Amrie Firmansyah 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 2 17 28 10.31098/issues.v3i2.1965 The Potential of Local Food Diversification in Supporting Sustainable Food Security in Maluku Islands <p>Every region in Indonesia has food potential according to the region's characteristics, as is the case with Maluku, an archipelago province with a diverse group of small islands. Due to the distinctive characteristics of each island, sufficient knowledge regarding the condition of potential food and its constraints is needed to avoid food shortages. The study aimed to analyze the constraints and potential of local food diversification on each island situated in the XII Island Clusters of Maluku to achieve the fulfillment of sustainable food and food security for each of these islands. The data used was descriptive data collected from a significant number of previous research journals, documents, and field notes. Data analysis was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method that attempts to describe and interpret food diversification potentials and constraints in XII GP in Maluku based on the reality through a thorough literature study. The analysis results showed that in most of the small islands in Maluku, the land was dry and hilly, the rainfall was low, the tilling layer was thin, the soil fertility was low, and it was easily degraded. The resources of farmers with qualified agricultural knowledge were still very limited. However, the potential gained was that there were six main types of food spread across XII GP, namely sago, corn, barley (<em>hotong</em>), upland rice, sweet potatoes, and bananas, which can be obtained and processed to fulfill the food needs of the community and ultimately achieve sustainable food security for everyone in the islands.</p> Johan Riry Marlita Herlin Makaruku Vilma Laurien Tanasale Copyright (c) 2023 Johan Riry, Marlita Herlin Makaruku, Vilma Laurien Tanasale 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 2 29 48 10.31098/issues.v3i2.1585 Quality of Life and Job Performance of Employees of a Construction Company in Doha, Qatar, during the 2022 FIFA World Cup <p>Hosting mega-sport events is a risk-involving decision, but the intangible benefits as an outcome cannot be ignored. This study gauged the impact of the 2022 FIFA World Cup on the quality of life through the working conditions, public safety, and cost of living related to the job performance of the 20 finance and accounting department workforce of a construction company in Doha, Qatar. Employing the descriptive-correlation method as the research design, the data gathered using the researcher-structured questionnaire were analyzed using frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and Spearman Rho coefficient correlation test as statistical tools. The study concluded that the anticipated negative quality of life indicators did not materialize during the mega-sport event. Further, the 2022 FIFA World Cup did not negatively impact the respondents' job performance since they still managed to perform their job assignments well. The paper, therefore, encourages that, at the very least, employees to diligently perform their jobs at all times while employers provide the necessities and should always consider safeguarding their employees' quality of life while at work by providing decent and comfortable working conditions and reasonable compensation and benefits enabling them to adequately cover their cost of living, especially during periods where mega-events are to be held within the geographical scope of their business operations. This study is useful for policymakers who are planning to utilize mega events to enhance the quality of life and job performance of working residents of the host communities. </p> Ryan Anthony M. Arendon Jesus Briones Flormando P. Baldovino Copyright (c) 2023 Ryan Anthony M. Arendon, Jesus Briones, Flormando P. Baldovino 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 2 64 76 10.31098/issues.v3i2.1977