Journal of Elementary and Secondary School
<p><strong>Name</strong>: <span data-sheets-value="{"1":2,"2":"Journal of Elementary and Secondary School (JESS)"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":31681,"3":{"1":0},"9":0,"10":0,"11":0,"12":0,"14":{"1":2,"2":0},"15":"Calibri, sans-serif","16":11,"17":0}">Journal of Elementary and Secondary School (JESS)</span><br /><strong>P-ISSN: </strong>2986-9188<strong><br />E-ISSN: </strong>2986-8556<strong><br />DOI: </strong>10.31098/jess<strong><br />Period: </strong>March and September<strong><br />Indexing and Abstracting: </strong><a href="">Google Scholar</a>, Crossref, and others in progress<strong><br />Publisher: </strong>Research Synergy Foundation<strong><br />Founded: </strong>2023</p>Research Synergy Foundationen-USJournal of Elementary and Secondary School 2986-9188Effectiveness of PEARL Mobile Application in Enhancing the Academic Performance of Students in English
<p>This research aimed to test the effectiveness of the Packeted Electronically Assisted Reading Leaflets (PEARL) mobile application in enhancing students’ English academic performances. The researcher gained knowledge of declining reading comprehension skills, including Grade 7 reading levels, using the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL-IRI), the official reading material from the Department of Education. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the administration of this reading inventory has been put on hold due to its inapplicability. This study was conducted with Grade 7 Calamba Bayside Integrated School students from the Division of Calamba as respondents. A quasi-experimental technique, and administration of pretest, formative, and posttest, were used in this study. As for the data collection, the respondents' pretest, formative test, and post-test scores in the experimental and controlled groups were recorded weekly. There are 22 active students participated in the study through random sampling. Next, data analysis was performed using the T-test and Pearson’s formulas, respectively. Based on these findings, the researcher concluded that there was a significant difference between the pretest and posttest mean scores of the two groups, which indicates that the PEARL application is practical in enhancing English academic performance. Although there was only a medium-sized effect regarding the significant differences in the scores of the experimental group, it is concluded that several factors, like poor internet connectivity and technical difficulties, should be considered. The researcher also suggested that crafting instructional materials such as PEARL could improve students’ English proficiency.</p>Ariane Pearl P. MedelJohn Frederick B. TesoroAlberto D. YazonCristopher F. MendozaKaren A. Manaig
Copyright (c) 2024 Ariane Pearl P. Medel, John Frederick B. Tesoro, Alberto D. Yazon, Cristopher F. Mendoza, Karen A. Manaig
2024-09-302024-09-3022152610.31098/jess.v2i2.2281Values Reflected in Pictorial Content of Textbooks at Elementary Level of Education in West Bengal, India
<p>Textbooks function as catalysts for social change, influencing students’ values, beliefs, and cultural awareness from the primary education level. Textbooks serve as key learning resources for students that significantly influence students’ character development. Values should be incorporated into textbooks. Images in textbooks are powerful tools for shaping the values of students by engaging them visually, providing real-life context, fostering emotional connections, and promoting critical thinking and cultural sensitivity. The creation of textbooks that reflect current values is essential, and achieving this goal requires a comprehensive assessment of textbooks. This study investigates images used in primary education textbooks in West Bengal, India, to examine the representation of values. A total of 39 textbooks were analyzed, with eight key textbooks selected for in-depth analysis: ‘Amar Boi’ for classes I, II, and III, ‘Patabahar’ for classes IV and V, and ‘Atit O Aitihya’ for classes VI, VII, and VIII. These textbooks were chosen based on their widespread use and significance in the curriculum in govt. school in West Bengal. This study adopted qualitative and documentary research approaches through content analysis. The findings demonstrate that social, moral, environmental, spiritual, and historical values are emphasized across textbooks, reflecting the dominant cultural, social, or national values of the region. The findings of this study provide a foundation for policy changes at the state or national level to ensure the development and implementation of guidelines that promote value-balance content in educational materials and are useful for textbook development agencies, textbook writers, and teachers in developing value-alignment curricula and creating more inclusive, culturally sensitive, and ethically grounded visual materials.</p>Ankur NandiTarini Hader Tapash Das
Copyright (c) 2024 Ankur Nandi, Tarini Hader , Tapash Das
2024-09-302024-09-3022406110.31098/jess.v2i2.2475Effectiveness of the Basic Education Remediation Kits on Improving the Reading Skills of Novice Readers
<p class="TableParagraph" style="text-align: justify; line-height: 115%; margin: 8.85pt 8.8pt .0001pt 7.35pt;">Remediation is crucial for strengthening students’ reading abilities, particularly for novice readers aged six to seven. Basic education practitioners must design intervention approaches that address reading and comprehension educational gaps. In response, this paper analyzed the effectiveness of the Basic Education Remediation Kits (BERKs) in improving the reading skills of struggling novice readers by revealing their reading skill level and revealing significant differences in the pre-test and post-test mean scores. The study employed a Quasi-experimental methodology with One-Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design and used purposive sampling as the sampling technique. The pre-/post-test consisted of two parts: 1) letter sounds and syllables and 2) short story with comprehension questions. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired samples t-tests to determine significant differences between the assessment results and the effectiveness of the remediation kit used. Findings revealed an increase in the students’ mean scores following kit implementation. The paired samples t-test confirmed a statistically significant difference between pretest and post-test scores, further affirming its effectiveness. The kit assists novice readers, particularly those in the early stages of literacy; nevertheless, its effectiveness varies according to reading level; thus, the use of a single teaching strategy may not be equally beneficial to all students. The long-term impact of the remediation kit may be evaluated considering aspects such as intervention duration, teaching pedagogy, and demographics. A group of participants with the same reading level may be used to further assess its efficacy.</p>Stephanie Angela AguirreChester Alexis C. BuamaMelvin T. GuacheRenniza F. DiolaCristina E. MalabayabasJann Arlie P. Agawin
Copyright (c) 2024 Stephanie Angela Aguirre, Chester Alexis C. Buama, Melvin T. Guache, Renniza F. Diola, Cristina E. Malabayabas, Jann Arlie P. Agawin
2024-09-302024-09-3022779210.31098/jess.v2i2.2484An Inquiry into Teachers' and Parents' Experiences of Radio-Based Instruction and Modular Distance Learning in Early Childhood Education
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study examines the perspectives and experiences of educators and caregivers regarding radio-based instruction (RBI) and modular distance learning (MDL) in early childhood education. Semi-structured interviews with 10 parents and 6 kindergarten teachers in the Bay Sub-Office, Laguna, Philippines revealed significant challenges in access to technology, parental involvement, and socio-emotional development of learners. The findings underscore the need for clear instructional guidance and accessible resources. The study concludes that guardians’ participation, engagement, instructional clarity, and material accessibility are crucial for effective remote learning. As a result, the RADIO model and a comprehensive course outline were developed to address these needs, emphasizing resilience, collaboration, and inclusivity. Recommendations include enhancing technological infrastructure to ensure equitable access, implementing customized parental education programs, integrating socio-emotional learning (SEL) into the curriculum, providing targeted professional development for educators, and establishing continuous research and evaluation mechanisms to adapt strategies effectively. These recommendations foster an inclusive and dynamic educational ecosystem, enhance early childhood education and ensure quality remote learning experiences.</p>Joyce V. Raguini
Copyright (c) 2024 Joyce V. Raguini
2024-09-302024-09-302211410.31098/jess.v2i2.2279Storytelling Method of Instruction, School Location and Students’ Academic Achievement: Any Synergy?
<p>Stakeholders in the education industry in Ekiti State have criticized the unsatisfactory performance of CRS students’ results in external examinations in rural schools. This study examined storytelling methods of teaching, school locations, and students’ academic achievement in Christian Religious Studies (CRS) in Senior Secondary Schools, Ekiti State, South West Nigeria. Research questions and hypotheses were developed for the study. The design adopted for the study was a quasi-experimental research of two groups, that is, one experimental group and one control group. The Senior Secondary School Two (SSS2) students of the Ekiti State public secondary schools formed the population. The schools (rural and urban) for the study were purposively selected from Ekiti South-West Local Government Area of Ekiti State. A total of 159 students participated as the sample for the study. One instrument, ‘Achievement in CRS’ (ATCRS) instrument was used for data collection. The research hypothesis was analyzed using analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Findings from the study revealed no significant difference in the academic achievement of urban and rural students with CRS utilizing storytelling and conventional lecture methods. The study concludes that storytelling is a location friendly teaching method. The recommendations are based on the finding that teachers of CRS in Ekiti State public secondary schools should adopt the storytelling method during the instructional process to enhance students’ academic achievement in both rural and urban schools.</p>Ayodeji Francis Fasuba
Copyright (c) 2024 Ayodeji Francis Fasuba
2024-09-302024-09-3022273910.31098/jess.v2i2.2437Enhancing the Inference Skills of Selected AP (Araling Panlipunan)-Grade 7 Students at OCABIS (Old Cabalan Integrated School): A Study Utilizing the Snake and Ladder Board Game
<p>The integration of game-based learning has gained popularity for enhancing cognitive skills such as critical thinking and inference. Interactive tools such as board games nurture engagement and assist in comprehending complex concepts. The Araling Panlipunan curriculum in the Philippines emphasizes critical thinking, making innovative teaching methods essential. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of using the snake and ladder board game in enhancing the inference skills of Grade 7 Emerald students from the Old Cabalan Integrated School (OCABIS) in Araling Panlipunan (Social Studies) during the 2023-2024 academic year. The study employed a convergent parallel approach that included pre-tests, post-tests, and focus group interviews to collect data. Statistical analyses were used to examine the results, including frequency distribution, percentage, mean, Shapiro-Wilk test, Mann–Whitney U test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test, and thematic analysis. The results revealed that integrating the snake and ladder board game positively impacted students' critical thinking and inference skills, with post-test scores showing significant improvement as it revealed a notable enhancement in scores, showing a median pre-test score of 8 and a post-test score of 12 (W = 630.000, z = -5.184, p = .000), resulting in a moderate effect size (d = .62). The study also found that the board game strategy was equally effective for male and female students, providing a more engaging learning environment and reducing boredom. Based on these findings, the researchers proposed guidelines for further improving the snake and ladder board game strategy to enhance students’ inference skills.</p>Maricel P. GregorioDante P. SardinaAllen Dale V. Olonan
Copyright (c) 2024 Maricel P. Gregorio, Dante P. Sardina, Allen Dale V. Olonan