Organization and Human Capital Development <p><strong>Name</strong>: Organization and Human Capital Development (ORCADEV)<br /><strong>E-ISSN</strong>: 2829-758X<br /><strong>P-ISSN</strong>: 2829-7598<br /><strong>DOI: </strong>10.31098/orcadev<br /><strong>Period</strong>: April and October<br /><strong>Indexing and Abstracting</strong>: EBSCO, Dimensions, Google Scholar, Crossref, and others in progress<br /><strong>Society/ Institution: </strong>Universitas Airlangga, Postgraduate School<br /><strong>Publication Guidelines: </strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">COPE Guidelines</a><br /><strong>Publisher</strong>: Research Synergy, Bandung, Indonesia<br /><strong>Founded: </strong>27 December 2021</p> Research Synergy en-US Organization and Human Capital Development 2829-7598 Fostering Innovation: Exploring Key Factors and Their Relationship on Organizational Performance Towards Innovation Management Culture <p>Employee creativity positively impacts organizations’ ability to foster innovation and influences organizational learning, as the 4.0 industry promises more innovative, sustainable, and smarter productivity. This study addresses the importance of innovation culture in the technology industry’s business landscape. Despite the growing attention given to innovation culture, there is a need to explore its relationship with corporate performance. A descriptive research design with a quantitative approach using regression analysis was used. Furthermore, 398 respondents from Chinese technological enterprises were investigated. Based on these findings, the workforce in the technology sector hires people of different ages and positions. Those who belong to the supervisory level focus more on quality control and process improvement. The findings also demonstrated that innovative culture significantly impacts firm performance through its influence on factors such as organizational learning, creativity and empowerment, value orientation, and market orientation. Thus, it emphasizes the importance of aligning innovation strategies at all organizational levels and effectively allocating resources to verify how innovation stimulates innovative behavior in organizations. Organizational learning can improve the shared values and behaviors of an organization and further improve organizational performance. A strong correlation between corporate culture and organizational performance. Moreover, the more effort a company puts into building its culture and the more it achieves, the greater its advantage in financial and non-financial performance, and the higher sustainability for innovation management culture will be evident.</p> Rovena I Dellova Yanyan Tian Copyright (c) 2024 Rovena I Dellova, Yanyan Tian 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 1 15 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.1940 Examining the Impact of Trust-Based Active Participation: An Empirical Study in Creative Industry That Adopt Digital Platform <p>The main challenge in building a creative industry that acquires a digital platform is the limited ideas used to encourage the presence of booming products and the limited understanding of employees of creative industry players in dealing with technological changes; this is in line with the phenomenon where 31.40% of digital business actors in Indonesia are still experiencing a decline in revenue in 2022. In connection with the main obstacles, this research aims to find constructs capable of mediating the role of technology in the form of Social Media Use to Work (SMUW) in its impact on Creative Performance (CP). Where SMUW, in many studies, has no significant effect on building CP. This study offers the role of Trust-Based Active Participation (TBAP) and Innovative Culture (IC) in mediating SMUW against CP. The object of this research is the creative industry that uses digital platforms, with a total sample of 188 businesses. This study empirically proves that SMUW does not significantly affect CP, but TBAP and IC can boost SMUW on CP with a a total effect of 0.384. From this achievement, it is proven empirically that TBAP and IC can fully mediate the role of SMUW on CP. In implementing the strategy, it was found that in order to optimize the role of SMUW for CP. This contributes to the domain of learning organization theory and middle ring dynamic capability.</p> Nur Nelisa Adah Iwan Hermawan Suharmanto Suharmanto Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Nelisa Adah, Iwan Hermawan, Suharmanto Suharmanto 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 16 30 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.2293 Micro Entrepreneurs’ Leadership Skills and Employee Productivity: A Structural Equation Model Approach <p>The study of significant differences, relationships, and structural equation models evaluates the correlations between leadership skills and employee productivity of those in the food industry under the microenterprise category in Bulacan, Philippines. The research utilized the Mann-Whitney U test and Kruskal-Wallis test to determine the significant difference in leadership skills and employee productivity when grouped according to the profile of respondents. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient was utilized to analyze the relationship between leadership skills and employee productivity. Moreover, the research utilized structural equation modeling techniques to analyze the correlations among the indicators of leadership skis and employee productivity. Research instrument with rating scales and a random sampling method was applied. The model fit, reliability, and validity were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. The result showed that there is a strong level of correlation between leadership skills and employee productivity. Finally, Technical Skills, Work Unit Effectiveness, and Work Quality are among the indicators of technical skills and employee productivity that are correlated as analyzed structural model and path analysis. Future research should be qualitative or mixed method to delve deeper into for a richer qualitative interpretation, and cohort or longitudinal research should be done in order to study this relationship in the long run.</p> Josephine Diana S Campos Copyright (c) 2024 Josephine Diana S Campos 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 31 42 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.1911 Comprehensive Board of Commissioner Diversity and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in Indonesia <p>This study examines the effect of comprehensive board of commissioner diversity (BOC_DIV) and corporate responsibility (CSR) disclosure for listed companies in Indonesia from 2019 – 2020. The implementation of CSR is growing in emerging markets, including Indonesia. In the context of the dual board system in Indonesia, the role of the board of commissioner is vital to address the growing CSR issue through their monitoring and supervising functions. We based our study on Indonesian-listed firms across industries. However, we exclude the financial sector due to different policies. Multiple Regression is employed to investigate the relationship, and the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) model is executed to identify whether our model falls into the endogeneity problem. The results showed that several Board of Commissioner characteristics (such as size, independence, and gender) are positively associated with CSR disclosure. After testing for the endogeneity problem, the findings remain similar. We examine several dimensions of the board of commissioner diversity on non-financial outcomes, especially CSR disclosure, in the context of developing countries where a dual board system is implemented.</p> Joni Joni Maria Natalia Tan Kwang En Leliana Leliana Copyright (c) 2024 Joni Joni, Maria Natalia, Tan Kwang En, Leliana Leliana 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 43 54 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.1917 Developments and Themes in Islamic Work Ethic Studies: A Bibliometric Analysis <p>Current literature shows that the study of Islamic work ethics is increasingly popular among researchers and human resource managers because the role of religion and its relationship to work outcomes is familiar in management. Islamic work ethics are expected to be able to fix employee morale problems that can have bad consequences for the company. This study explores trend analysis related to Islamic work ethics (IWE) research from 1988 to November 2022. The study seeks to learn more about (1) the growth and trend of publications in the field of IWE today, (2) the most prolific contributors to the study of IWE, (3) documents widely cited in IWE research; and (4) critical terms of keywords and concepts for the investigation of Islamic work ethics. Scopus was used to compile the information. The search yielded 175 documents, which became 160 documents after the screening. Biblioshiny, VOSviewer, Publish or Perish (PoP), and Microsoft Excel were used to export and analyze the data. According to the findings, the number of publications increased from one year to the next, peaking between 2016 and 2022. The study found that authors with Malaysian affiliations were the most significant contributors to the IWE study. Network visualization mapping is used to categorize studies of Islamic work ethics into four broad categories: knowledge about Islamic work ethics, employee behaviour and performance, leadership culture, and work motivation. In addition, the study also highlights two clusters of IWE studies, namely the influence and practice of IWE. The study has implications for the future development of IWE studies and suggests IWE studies in terms of potential corruption, innovation, and leadership. </p> Azhar Alam Ririn Tri Ratnasari Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono Widhi Indira Laksmi Aidi Ahmi Copyright (c) 2024 Azhar Alam, Ririn Tri Ratnasari, Muhamad Nafik Hadi Ryandono, Widhi Indira Laksmi, Aidi Ahmi 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 55 70 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.1916 Enhancing Capacity Building Prior to Appointment as Heads of Departments in Universities <p>Developing the capacity of prospective heads of departments (HoDs) at universities is essential for promoting effective leadership and enhancing performance within higher academic institutions. This research investigated capacity building prior to appointment as a HoD in Ghana. The study aimed to enhance capacity building of heads of departments prior to their appointment as heads at the University of Cape Coast. A descriptive survey design was used, and 40 Heads of Department across the University Campuses were sampled for the study. A structured questionnaire was used for the data collection. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings show that all the academic HoDs in this study have not been offered any orientation/workshop or formalized training before their appointments as Heads of Departments. Most of the HoDs desired to acquire office procedures skills before they were appointed HoDs. This study has shown that academic HoDs in the University of Cape Coast do not have any orientation/workshop or formalized training prior to appointments as heads of departments. The university should provide training programmes and workshops for academic candidates (Senior Lecturers/Associate Professors/Professors) who are eligible for appointment as heads of departments to improve their administrative skills and competencies before their appointments to the position of HoDs.</p> Diana Ama Dogbatse Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Ama Dogbatse 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 71 83 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.1944 Impact of Cross-Functional Integration on Organizational Performance of a Semiconductor Company in the Philippines <p>Cross-functional integration (CFI) plays a crucial role in achieving the business objectives of any organization. This study assessed the impact of CFI on the organizational performance of a semiconductor company in the Philippines. This descriptive-quantitative research used an adapted questionnaire covering the three elements of CFI: collaboration, coordination, and communication. The data were gathered using Google Forms via email and Microsoft Teams from 87 employees on their supervisory levels of the subject-semiconductor company. The findings revealed that the subject-semiconductor company has a supportive culture for CFI. The present study has also provided empirical evidence that CFI is crucial to organizational performance. CFI practices in terms of the three elements have no significant differences as perceived by the respondents when grouped according to age, gender, and length of service. However, there exist significant differences in their perceptions of the practice of CFI in terms of coordination and communication when they are grouped by area/ department assignment. This suggests that the company can improve CFI by focusing on better coordination and communication across functions.</p> Venice Ann DC Laco Jesus P Briones Flormando P Baldovino Copyright (c) 2024 Venice Ann DC Laco, Jesus P Briones, Flormando P Baldovino 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 84 95 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.2011 Correlation of Job Satisfaction of Poultry Farm Workers and Product Compliance Sustainability <p>The study aimed to scrutinize the relationships between Job Satisfaction and Product Compliance indicators such as Supervisor's Relations, Co-workers' Relations, Nature of Work, Working Conditions, Pay and promotions, Product Attributes, Product Standards, and Product Disclosure. The samples were poultry farm workers from the province of Bulacan, Philippines. In addition to employing random sampling, the research instruments comprised rating scale-equipped questionnaires. The research utilized Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis to test the significant difference, Spearman's Rho to test the relationship, and SEM to analyze the structural relationship. The results showed that pay and promotion have significant differences when grouped according to sex, family size, and length of service. Co-worker relations significantly differ when grouped according to average monthly income and educational attainment. Product disclosure has significant differences when grouped according to age and educational attainment. Product attributes significantly differ when grouped according to average monthly income, educational attainment, length of service, and number of training attended. Product standards have significant differences when grouped according to the number of training attended. Product disclosures have significant differences when grouped according to average monthly income, length of service, and number of training attended. Co-workers’ relations have a significant relationship with product attributes. SEM shows that supervisor relations, product attributes, and product disclosures are correlated. Job satisfaction can be enhanced through the provision of higher pay, training, and good working conditions. Future research should be qualitative for a richer qualitative interpretation.</p> Jofrey R Campos Copyright (c) 2024 Jofrey R Campos 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 96 107 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.1912 The Role of Employee Empowerment in Mediating the Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Employee Performance in Dekranasda Riau Islands Province 2021-2024 <p>The decline in the performance of employees at Dekranasda in the eight districts/cities of the Riau Archipelago province is the background of this research. This study aims to uncover and analyze the effect of empowerment, which mediated the effect of Leader Member Exchange (LMX) on employee performance in Dekranasda, which is dispersed toward eight regencies/the city of Riau Islands Province. The study contributes to the development of the LMX concept, which fosters its relation toward employee performance mediated by engagement. Furthermore, the study uses survey methods for gaining the data by questionnaire. The total respondents involved in this study are 303 persons in the Dekranasda Office Riau. The analysis data used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). This study shows that LMX directly and significantly affects employee performance. Furthermore, empowerment affects employee performance positively but does not mediate the effect of LMX on employee performance. This study merely involves the employees of Dekranasda, who are dispersed in the eight districts/cities of the Riau Archipelago province. This study shows the importance of direct interpersonal relationships between managers and employees in the realm of public service. As suggested by the LMX theory, managers delegate responsibility and provide more support and appreciation to subordinates in the group, which is considered as empowerment. The results of this study are consistent with the LMX theory, which emphasizes the importance of interpersonal factors in the workplace, especially in the local government sphere. The results of this study can be used as a basis or input for stakeholders in Dekranasda in designing an ideal relationship between superiors and subordinates so that subordinates are able to produce good performance to achieve organizational goals.</p> Rovi Yanty Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro Lela Nurlaela Wati Copyright (c) 2024 Rovi Yanty, Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro, Lela Nurlaela Wati 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 3 1 108 122 10.31098/orcadev.v3i1.1780