People and Behavior Analysis <p><strong>Name</strong>: People and Behavior Analysis (PBA)<br /><strong>P-ISSN</strong>: 2988-0424<br /><strong>E-ISSN</strong>: 2986-9803 <br /><strong>DOI</strong>: 10.31098/PBA<br /><strong>Period</strong>: March and September<br /><strong>Indexing and Abstracting</strong>: Google Scholar, Dimensions, Crossref, and others in progress<br /><strong>Publisher</strong>: Research Synergy Foundation &amp; Akademi Penerbang Indonesia Banyuwangi<br /><strong>Founded</strong>: 2023</p> Research Synergy Foundation en-US People and Behavior Analysis 2988-0424 <div class="copyright_notice"> <p>Copyright Notice: 1. License<br /><br />People and Behavior Analysis has CC-BY NC or an equivalent license as the optimal license for the publication, distribution, use, and reuse of scholarly work for non-commercial purpose. 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To such extent as legally permissible, the author waives his or her right to collect royalties relative to the article in respect of any use of the article by This agreement can be terminated by the People and Behavior Analysis upon two months’ notice where the other party has materially breached this agreement and failed to remedy such breach within a month of being given the terminating party’s notice requesting such breach to be remedied. No breach or violation of this agreement will cause this agreement or any license granted in it to terminate automatically or affect the definition of People and Behavior Analysis or its sublicensee.<br /><br />8. Miscellaneous<br /><br />People and Behavior Analysis will publish the article (or have it published) in the journal if the article’s editorial process is successfully completed and People and Behavior Analysis or its sublicensee has become obligated to have the article. People and Behavior Analysis may conform the article to a style of punctuation, spelling, capitalization, referencing and usage that it deems appropriate. The author acknowledges that the article may be published so that it will be publicly accessible and such access will be free of charge for the readers.</p> </div> <div id="privacyStatement" class="privacy_statement"> <h2>Privacy Statement</h2> The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.</div> Analysis of Runway Incursion Incident Using Report for the Years 2012-2022 <p>Runway incursion is a serious problem in industry flights that could threaten flight safety. This research aims to analyze the main causes of several events runway incursions that occurred in Indonesia based on KNKT reports from 2012 to 2022. The National Transportation Safety Committee is an institution of the Indonesian non-structural government that is responsible for investigating and analyzing transport accidents and incidents, including aviation, maritime, rail, and road accidents. This study covers a 10-year period to understand trends, causal factors, and safety of airport operations in Indonesia. This study employs a qualitative approach using literature study methods. The study’s findings indicate that several factors contribute to runway incursion incidents. In addition, it can be used as a basis for increasing awareness, communication, and coordination between Air Traffic Control and pilots in reducing the risk of runway incursion. Analysis showed that there was a communication error between the ATC and the pilot as the main cause. Misunderstanding of instructions, lack of coordination between Air Traffic Control with different frequencies, and lack of clear understanding are the main factors in the occurrence of runway incursions in Indonesia.</p> Fajar Islam Wildan Ahmad Rizkinsya Aulia Copyright (c) 2024 Fajar Islam, Wildan Ahmad Rizkinsya Aulia 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 2 1 61 74 10.31098/pba.v2i1.2061 Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a BPO Company <p>The pandemic necessitated remote workplace setup, and as employees’ homes doubled as their workplaces, it became difficult to distinguish between the two. With this reality came the challenge of enhancing employee performance and organizational commitment. This study investigated the correlation between organizational commitment and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study involved 158 employees of a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company situated in Quezon City, Philippines. Non-parametric statistical testing such as Mann–Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were employed to examine the significant differences in the respondent's ratings when their demographic profiles were considered. Spearman’s rank correlation was used to measure the strength of the relationship between the constructs of organizational commitment and dimensions of employee performance. Results of the study revealed a high positive relationship between continuance commitment and employee performance. Furthermore, this study also explored organizational commitment along four demographic variables, resulting in the detection of significant differences in the perception of continuance commitment on account of gender, age, civil status, and length of service. A significant difference was also detected in affective commitment considering the length of service. Single, married, and widowed respondents also differed in their opinions on normative commitment. While research on organizational commitment exist, few studies have explored the role of demographic factors in shaping employee responses to pandemics. This study demonstrates value by examining the influence of demographic variables on organizational commitment and employee performance during the pandemic, adopting an intersectional perspective, and offering practical implications for organizational management, theoretical advancement, and future research directions.</p> Ma. Elena C. Estebal Joemy Lopez Alan Dean Copyright (c) 2024 Ma. Elena C. Estebal, Joemy C. Lopez, Alan S. Dean 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 2 1 1 14 10.31098/pba.v2i1.2105 Level of Risk Awareness and Insurance Literacy of Ilocanos Residing in Ilocos Sur <p>Numerous individuals exhibit hesitancy towards procuring insurance, potentially attributed to their confidence in not requiring it or their perception of insurance as excessively complex, influenced by the plethora of available information. The objective of this study was to determine the level of risk awareness and insurance literacy of the general public in different municipalities and component cities of Ilocos Sur. There were five hundred thirty-four (534) individuals from different municipalities in Ilocos Sur, and stratified random sampling was used. This study employed a descriptive-correlational research design using a quantitative approach. The researchers used a survey questionnaire as the primary research instrument. To correlate the levels of awareness of the Ilocanos about health and life insurance with their insurance literacy, the researchers used the International Business Machine Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (IBM SPSS), specifically correlation analysis. The research shows a strong correlation between risk awareness and insurance literacy among the general public in Ilocos Sur, with respondents exhibiting heightened awareness of safety, security, return, and liquidity aspects of insurance, emphasizing health as a primary concern, and placing significance on familial considerations when insurance. The data indicates a clear understanding of the concept of beneficiaries and reflects a discerning public with a keen understanding of insurance decisions.</p> Nalchael T. Cruz Leslie De Castro Divina Daniel A. Jana Mae S. Rapada Joy Melanie N. Rebuldela Copyright (c) 2024 Nalchael T. Cruz, Leslie De Castro, Divina Daniel A., Jana Mae S. Rapada , Joy Melanie N. Rebuldela 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 2 1 15 26 10.31098/pba.v2i1.2113 Assessing The Effectiveness of University Public Relations in Crisis Management <p>Among organizational challenges, the pivotal role of Public Relations (PR) in mitigating crises becomes obvious. PR endeavors significantly influence stakeholder perceptions, institutional reputation, and sustained prosperity. Even venerable academic institutions contend with multifaceted risks that encompass natural phenomena, student activism, and scholarly debates. This research investigates the effectiveness of Northwestern University’s Public Relations (PR) program in crisis management, contributing significantly to both academic understanding and practical applications. Grounded in Social Constructionism, this study explores how shared perceptions influence crisis management outcomes, aiming to identify strengths and areas for improvement. Focusing on the crisis management effectiveness of the Philippines University, this research evaluates its capabilities in crisis handling, public perception management, and communication during challenging situations. Employing quantitative methods, the study involved 405 participants, including students and members of the Public Information Offices, reflecting a balanced representation across demographics. Students and Public Information Office members show nuanced but aligned perspectives, with high ratings for crisis planning, communication, media relations, and social media management. The proposed Public Relations in Crisis Management Program suggests strategic initiatives for crisis exercises, internal communication enhancements, media relationship building, and improved social media engagement. Positive perceptions underscore the organization’s crisis management strengths, providing a foundation for strategic program development. These interventions enhance organizational resilience by supporting continuous improvement and proactive crisis management. In conclusion, this study bridges the academic-practical gap in crisis management, affirming the organization’s adeptness and emphasizing the pivotal role of effective communication and engagement strategies. The proposed interventions offer actionable recommendations for further strengthening crisis management and highlight PR’s vital role in ensuring preparedness and resilience.</p> Albert John Calilao Auvielle Domingo Reig Janncen Labaro Allyza Joy Pascua Copyright (c) 2024 Albert John Calilao, Auvielle Domingo, Reig Janncen Labaro, Allyza Joy Pascua 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 2 1 27 47 10.31098/pba.v2i1.2029 Role of Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) In Improving Lecturers’ Performance <p>Educators serve as primary stakeholders profoundly shaping the caliber of tertiary educational establishments. Various determinants impact educator performance, encompassing competencies, motivational factors, discipline, and leadership qualities, as well as Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), where employees’ actions surpass their primary job responsibilities. This study intends to experimentally demonstrate the impact of workplace spirituality on the productivity of Lecturers in the Muhammadiyah Aisiyah College (PTMA) setting, both directly and indirectly. To gather empirical data on the impact of workplace spirituality on the performance of PTMA lectures, this study used a quantitative method with a causality design. A questionnaire completed by 260 academics was used to obtain the data. The PLS method and structural equation modeling were used to examine the data. processing data with the SMARTPLS program. According to the study's findings, OCB is positively and significantly influenced by the spiritual workplace, and both OCB and performance are positively and significantly impacted by the spiritual workplace's impact on PTMA lecturers’ performance. The final significant finding is that OCB can enhance performance in spiritual workplaces. These findings have consequences for PTMA managers, and it is vital to encourage an increase in OCB by bolstering the spiritual workplace in the PTMA they oversee to boost the performance of their lecturers.</p> Ramilan Ramilan Rita Yuni Mulyanti Koesmawan Koesmawan Lela Nurlaela Wati Copyright (c) 2024 Ramilan Ramilan, Rita Yuni Mulyanti, Koesmawan Koesmawan, Lela Nurlaela Wati 2024-03-31 2024-03-31 2 1 48 60 10.31098/pba.v2i1.2278