Cryptocurrency Investment Risks and Perceived Usefulness: Basis of Cryptocurrency Risk Management Plan
Cryptocurrency; Perceived Investment Risks; Perceived UsefulnessAbstract
The surging popularity of cryptocurrencies presents both opportunities and challenges. While some view it as the future of finance, others remain concerned about investment risks. This uncertainty creates difficulties for consumers and financial institutions. To address this gap, the study assessed consumer perceptions of cryptocurrency investment risks and perceived usefulness, aiming to identify new avenues for transactions and investments. Employing a quantitative descriptive approach, a survey was conducted among 150 individuals from two (2) cities in the Philippines using a validated instrument and the Technological Acceptance Model (TAM). Results showed that consumers perceived moderate risk across trust, privacy, security, and financial aspects. No significant demographic variations were found in risk perception or perceived usefulness. These findings suggest a generally positive consumer attitude toward cryptocurrency investment despite the risks. This implies the possibility of widespread adoption if expectations align with the technology’s actual capabilities. Ultimately, this study offers valuable insights into consumer decision-making, which can inform future risk management strategies in the cryptocurrency landscape. It focuses on a geographically under-researched population (Philippines). This research contributes valuable insights for policymakers and industry leaders developing strategies to promote responsible cryptocurrency adoption across diverse user groups, particularly in emerging markets.
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Francisco, R., Ubaldo, J.E., & Rodelas, N. (2022). The perception of Filipinos on the advent of cryptocurrency and non-fungible token (NFT) games. International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 6, 1005-1018. doi: 10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.89
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Mendoza-Tello, J. C., Mora, H., Pujol-Lopez, F. A., and Lytras, M. D. (2018) ResearchGate: Social commerce as a driver to enhance trust and intention to use cryptocurrencies for electronic payments
Nadeem M A., Liu Z., Pitafi A H., Younis A., Xu Y., (2021) Sage Publications: Investigating the Adoption Factors of Cryptocurrencies—A Case of Bitcoin: Empirical Evidence from China
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Oliva M., Borondo J., Clavero G., (2019 March) Research Gate: Variables Influencing Cryptocurrency Use: A technology acceptance model in Spain use-cryptocurrencies_fig1_331848541
Palos-Sanchez, P., Saura, J. R., & Ayestaran, R. (2021). An Exploratory Approach to the Adoption Process of Bitcoin by Business Executives. Mathematics, 9(4), 355.
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Radivojac G & Grujic M. (2019, June 2) Academia: Future of Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in Financial Markets. nology_in_financial_markets
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Sagheer N., K., Fahd S., Mahmood S., Rashid T., Jamil H. (2022, June 3) Frontiers: Factors Affecting Adaptability of Cryptocurrency: An application of Technology Acceptance Model
Sauro, J. (2019, May 7). MeasuringU: 10 Things to Know about the Technology Acceptance Model.
Severs C. (2021, August 27) Linkedin: Does Age Matter in (Crypto) Investing? severs?trk=articles_directory
Smutny, Z., Sulc, Z., & Lansky, J. (2021). Motivations, Barriers and Risk-Taking When Investing in Cryptocurrencies. Mathematics, 9(14), 1655.
Sukarno K and Pujiyono (2020). Research Gate: Atlantis Press: The use of cryptocurrency as a payment instrument.
Sukumaran, S., Bee, T. S., & Wasiuzzaman, S. (2022). Cryptocurrency as an Investment: The Malaysian Context. Risks, 10(4), 86.
Taherdoost, H. (2016). Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument; How to Test the Validation of a Questionnaire/Survey in a Research. International Journal of Academic Research in Management (IJARM)
Yulianti M.D., Pusparini E.S. (2020) Atlantis Press: The Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on Affective Commitment and Actual Usage of the Flexible Benefit System: The Mediating Role of Individual Absorptive Capacity
Yuneline M (2019, May 6) Emerald Insight: Analysis of cryptocurrency’s characteristics in four perspectives 0107/full/htmlAbramova, S., Voskobojnikov, A., Beznosov, K., & Böhme, R. (2021). Bits Under the Mattress: Understanding Different Risk Perceptions and Security Behaviors of Crypto-Asset Users. Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Alaeddin, O., & Altounjy, R. (2018) International Journal of Engineering & Technology: Trust, technology awareness and satisfaction effect into the intention to use cryptocurrency among generation Z in Malaysia. Altounjy/publication/329268583_Trust_Technology_Awareness_and_Satisfaction_Effect_i nto_the_Intention_to_Use_Cryptocurrency_among_Generation_Z_in_Malaysia/links/5bffa6 d4a6fdcc1b8d4a6122/Trust-Technology-Awareness-and-Satisfaction-Effect-into-the- Intention-to-Use-Cryptocurrency-among-Generation-Z-in-Malaysia.pdf
Almajali D., Masa’Deh R., Dahalin Z. (2022, July 27) Taylor&Francis Online: Factors influencing the adoption of cryptocurrency in Jordan: An application of the extended TRA model
AL-MANSOUR, B. Y. (2020). Cryptocurrency Market: Behavioral Finance Perspective. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(12), 159–168.
Alomari, A. S. A., & Abdullah, N. L. (2023). Factors influencing the behavioral intention to use Cryptocurrency among Saudi Arabian public university students: Moderating role of financial literacy. Cogent Business & Management, 10(1).
Assessment of Risks to Financial Stability from Crypto-assets. (2022). content/uploads/P160222.pdf
Arias-Oliva M., Pelegrin B., J & Matias-Clavero, G. (2019, March 18) Frontiers: Variables Influencing Cryptocurrency use: A Technology Acceptance Model in Spain
Changing Cryptocurrency Perceptions: An Experimental Study. (n.d.). 821007_GORBUNOV_Evgenii_Thesis_BSc.pdf
Cheah, E.-T., Mishra, T., Parhi, M., & Zhang, Z. (2018). Long Memory Interdependency and Inefficiency in Bitcoin Markets. Economics Letters, 167, 18–25.
Cohen, J., & Wronski, L. (2021, August 30). Cryptocurrency investing has a big gender problem. CNBC.
Conti, M., Sandeep Kumar, E., Lal, C., & Ruj, S. (2018). A Survey on Security and Privacy Issues of Bitcoin. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 20(4), 3416–3452.
Del, R., Lopez, G., Administration, S., Taiwan, & Shih, W. (n.d.). Analysis of the Purchase Intension of Bitcoin by Applying the Technology Acceptance Model. Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, 12(1). 39.pdf
Francisco, R., Ubaldo, J.E., & Rodelas, N. (2022). The perception of Filipinos on the advent of cryptocurrency and non-fungible token (NFT) games. International Journal of Computing Sciences Research, 6, 1005-1018. doi: 10.25147/ijcsr.2017.001.1.89
GeeksforGeeks. (2020, May 8). Advantages and Disadvantages of Cryptocurrency in 2020. GeeksforGeeks. cryptocurrency-in-2020/
Intel | The Rise of Cryptocurrency Exposes New Risks, Liabilities. (n.d.). Burns & Wilcox. Retrieved May 11, 2023, from cryptocurrency-exposes-new-risks-liabilities/
Jariyapan, P., Mattayaphutron, S., Gillani, S. N., & Shafique, O. (2022). Factors Influencing the Behavioural Intention to Use Cryptocurrency in Emerging Economies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Based on Technology Acceptance Model 3, Perceived Risk, and Financial Literacy. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.
Mendoza-Tello, J. C., Mora, H., Pujol-Lopez, F. A., and Lytras, M. D. (2018) ResearchGate: Social commerce as a driver to enhance trust and intention to use cryptocurrencies for electronic payments
Nadeem M A., Liu Z., Pitafi A H., Younis A., Xu Y., (2021) Sage Publications: Investigating the Adoption Factors of Cryptocurrencies—A Case of Bitcoin: Empirical Evidence from China
Nibley, B. (2021, September 28). 12 Benefits of Cryptocurrency in 2021. SoFi.
Ogel S and Ogel I, (2021, May 21) Emerald Insight: The interaction between perceived risk, attitude and intention to use: An imperical Study on Bitcoin as a Crypto Currency 920211012/full/html
Oliva M., Borondo J., Clavero G., (2019 March) Research Gate: Variables Influencing Cryptocurrency Use: A technology acceptance model in Spain use-cryptocurrencies_fig1_331848541
Palos-Sanchez, P., Saura, J. R., & Ayestaran, R. (2021). An Exploratory Approach to the Adoption Process of Bitcoin by Business Executives. Mathematics, 9(4), 355.
Phadtare, M. (2019, February 6). Philippines: Cryptocurrency in Philippines.
Philippines Now Has 16 Cryptocurrency Exchanges Approved by Central Bank | Exchanges Bitcoin News. (2020, July 23). Bitcoin News. cryptocurrency-exchanges-approved-central-bank/
Pongratz, N. (2022, April 11). More Women Investing in Crypto, Proving Superior to Men, Says Recent Study. BeInCrypto. superior-to-men-says-recent-study/
Radivojac G & Grujic M. (2019, June 2) Academia: Future of Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in Financial Markets. nology_in_financial_markets
Royandoyan R. (2022, January 28) PhilStar Global: Crypto dealings carry risk for ASEAN banks – Fitch dealings-carry-risk-asean-banks-fitch
Sagheer N., K., Fahd S., Mahmood S., Rashid T., Jamil H. (2022, June 3) Frontiers: Factors Affecting Adaptability of Cryptocurrency: An application of Technology Acceptance Model
Sauro, J. (2019, May 7). MeasuringU: 10 Things to Know about the Technology Acceptance Model.
Severs C. (2021, August 27) Linkedin: Does Age Matter in (Crypto) Investing? severs?trk=articles_directory
Smutny, Z., Sulc, Z., & Lansky, J. (2021). Motivations, Barriers and Risk-Taking When Investing in Cryptocurrencies. Mathematics, 9(14), 1655.
Sukarno K and Pujiyono (2020). Research Gate: Atlantis Press: The use of cryptocurrency as a payment instrument.
Sukumaran, S., Bee, T. S., & Wasiuzzaman, S. (2022). Cryptocurrency as an Investment: The Malaysian Context. Risks, 10(4), 86.
Taherdoost, H. (2016). Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument; How to Test the Validation of a Questionnaire/Survey in a Research. International Journal of Academic Research in Management (IJARM)
Yulianti M.D., Pusparini E.S. (2020) Atlantis Press: The Effect of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use on Affective Commitment and Actual Usage of the Flexible Benefit System: The Mediating Role of Individual Absorptive Capacity
Yuneline M (2019, May 6) Emerald Insight: Analysis of cryptocurrency’s characteristics in four perspectives 0107/full/html
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