The Analysis of the Impact of GDP, FDI, Minimum Wage on Employment in Indonesia


  • Thomson Sitompul Labor and Demographic Economics, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Yansen Simangunsong Economics, Universitas Bengkulu, Indonesia



Employment, GDP, FDI, Minimum Wage


Unlike the previous study in determinant of labor absorption, which focused on economic sector and took up regional scope, this paper examines the impact of Gross Domestic Product, Foreign Direct Investment and Minimum Wages on labor absorption in Indonesia which take the national scope and aggregate labor by using secondary series of time series data (1990-2015). This study contributes to the limited literature on aggregate employment and national scope as the impact of the minimum wage, GDP, FDI in developing countries, especially in Indonesia. By using multiple linear regression models, surprisingly, we find that GDP and Minimum Wages have a positive and significant impact to increase employment while FDI  does not affect employment in Indonesia.


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December 25, 2019

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How to Cite

Sitompul, T., & Simangunsong, Y. (2019). The Analysis of the Impact of GDP, FDI, Minimum Wage on Employment in Indonesia. International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities, 2(2), 53–62.



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