Enhancing Readiness and Mathematics Performance in Face-to-Face Learning Among Grade 7 Students: A Descriptive-Correlational Study





This study aimed to determine the relationship between the level of readiness and mathematics performance in face-to-face learning among Grade 7 learners at Balibago Integrated High School. This study employed a descriptive-correlational design to determine the correlation between the two variables under consideration. A stratified proportionate random sampling technique was used to determine the sample from the population of learners, and the number of samples was established using the Cochran formula. The study utilized a researcher-made questionnaire to measure the learners’ readiness level and mathematics performance and was verified by a pool of experts in the field. The questionnaire on readiness focused on measuring students’ cognitive, social, physical, and emotional aspects. The gathered data were evaluated using frequency count and percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson r, and hierarchical multiple regression. Based on the findings, it showed that learners’ levels of cognitive, social, and physical readiness were high but only moderate emotionally. Nonetheless, students' mathematics performance was poor because the computed mean fell within a low range. Thus, findings revealed that there was a strong and positive correlation between students' readiness and mathematics performance, with a p-value of .007, which rejected the hypothesis. However, the findings revealed that there was no substantial moderating influence on the profile of learners' mathematics performance in relation to their readiness with a p-value greater than .01. In light of this, a learner's level of preparedness in terms of cognitive, social, emotional, and physical factors may have an impact on how well they perform mathematically.


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June 30, 2023

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How to Cite

Batiao, C. A., Yazon, A. D., Manaig, K. A., Sapin, S. B., & Tamban, V. E. (2023). Enhancing Readiness and Mathematics Performance in Face-to-Face Learning Among Grade 7 Students: A Descriptive-Correlational Study. Applied Quantitative Analysis, 3(1), 21–41. https://doi.org/10.31098/quant.1598




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