Changes in Fuel Use at Domestic Level in Rural Life: The Context of a Village in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh




Changes in Fuel Use, Biofuel, Rural Life, Energy Scarcity, Renewable Energy


Fuel is a burning issue in Bangladesh as well as in today's world. Domestic is one of the main sectors of fuel consumption. There is no denying that much research is being conducted on fuels. However, changes in fuel use and fuel use at the domestic level have not been studied yet, although changes in many other aspects of culture have been studied. As a result, we do not have enough information to make policy recommendations in this area. Basically, research regarding how fuel use changed over time is important in the current fuel crisis situation since, to cope with the present or upcoming fuel crisis, it is important to know how a group of people collected fuel in their different ecological and socio-economic conditions. Given the significance of past coping strategies in fuel collection, this study sought to identify fuels and fuel use dynamics at the domestic level in rural Bangladesh. Applying qualitative research methods, this research found that changes in fuel use at the domestic level occur as soon as the agricultural technology, cultivation system, and market demand of any crops change. Also, changes in livelihoods and lifestyles, urbanization, and the globalization of technology create noticeable changes in domestic fuel use in Bangladesh. This research invites researchers from universities and development agencies to conduct future long-scaled research with a huge number of respondents from diversified backgrounds to produce knowledge regarding changes in fuel use at the domestic level in rural and urban areas of the country.


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August 31, 2023

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How to Cite

Soren, J., Bari, S. ., & Soren, E. (2023). Changes in Fuel Use at Domestic Level in Rural Life: The Context of a Village in Rajshahi District of Bangladesh. Inclusive Society and Sustainability Studies, 3(1), 20–28.



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