Research Synergy Foundation as a publisher has some important roles to handle all publication business processes, promoting calls for paper and spreading out the articles that can be read and cited by researchers worldwide.
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Islam Bandung as a society/institution has important roles as funding support and providing scientific reviewer support from the expert on the field study of the journal.
All those entities started a collaboration to join hand together to manage the publication of Logistic and Operation Management Research (LOMR) since January 2021.
Since 2021, LOMR has experienced several developments which are presented sequentially in the explanation below:
- January 1, 2023. LOMR changes the journal template for the manuscript submission and publication.
- January 30, 2023. We applied Crossmark Update Policy 10.31098/lomr-crossmark since volume 2 year 2023
- April 5, 2023. LOMR has indexed on Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)