Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a BPO Company




Organizational Commitment, Employee Performance, BPO Employees


The pandemic necessitated remote workplace setup, and as employees’ homes doubled as their workplaces, it became difficult to distinguish between the two. With this reality came the challenge of enhancing employee performance and organizational commitment. This study investigated the correlation between organizational commitment and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study involved 158 employees of a BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) company situated in Quezon City, Philippines. Non-parametric statistical testing such as Mann–Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were employed to examine the significant differences in the respondent's ratings when their demographic profiles were considered. Spearman’s rank correlation was used to measure the strength of the relationship between the constructs of organizational commitment and dimensions of employee performance. Results of the study revealed a high positive relationship between continuance commitment and employee performance. Furthermore, this study also explored organizational commitment along four demographic variables, resulting in the detection of significant differences in the perception of continuance commitment on account of gender, age, civil status, and length of service. A significant difference was also detected in affective commitment considering the length of service. Single, married, and widowed respondents also differed in their opinions on normative commitment. While research on organizational commitment exist, few studies have explored the role of demographic factors in shaping employee responses to pandemics. This study demonstrates value by examining the influence of demographic variables on organizational commitment and employee performance during the pandemic, adopting an intersectional perspective, and offering practical implications for organizational management, theoretical advancement, and future research directions.

Author Biography

Ma. Elena C. Estebal, Technological Institute of the Philippines

Dr. Ma. Elena C. Estebal is a professor at the Technological Institute of the Philippines. She has published several business cases on Strategic Management, Management Science, and Business Policy at William Davidson Institute Publishing. Her meaningful collaboration with students, colleagues, and mentors enabled her to explore avenues in publishing research, business cases, and paper presentations in the local and international arena.

She is an active member of the Philippine Council of Deans and Educators in Business, the Philippine Association of Collegiate Schools of Business, and the Human Resource Educators Association of the Philippines. She is serving as the VP External for the Council of Marketing Educators.

She recently received a Liwayway Sanvictores distinguished alumna award from her alma mater in recognition for her outstanding contribution to the field of education. She has been conferred as a Fellow in Business Education by the Philippine Academy of Professionals in Business Education.



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March 31, 2024

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How to Cite

Estebal, M. E. C., Lopez, J., & Dean, A. (2024). Organizational Commitment and Employee Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a BPO Company. People and Behavior Analysis, 2(1), 1–14.



People & Behavior Analysis in Social Science Context

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